My name is Zahra, I'm 22 years old and I work at Holts Gems as a Digital Marketing Apprentice, and I assist with social media and website updates.
I started my apprenticeship in February 2022 and found it through a platform called Multiverse. the best experience of my apprenticeship so far was w
orking on our new website and seeing how it has been designed from start to finish.
I’ve learnt lots of new skills and marketing language/terminology that I never knew before. I’ve found the workshops helpful in terms of planning campaigns. As someone who is more of a visual learner, it’s something I would recommend to everyone. It makes it a fun way to learn and you’re getting paid to study.
My apprenticeship has given me the opportunity to explore different avenues within the field and see which I prefer.
My top tips to apprentices or those starting out their careers would be to not be afraid to dive in at full speed, when I first started, I was anxious because it was such a big change in career paths and work environments, but I found it was easier to just spend lots of time researching and trying to understand the things I found most difficult. I found that YouTube really helps when I’m stuck on something.